
Senator Jeff Pittman

About Jeff

Senator Jeff Pittman grew up in Leavenworth and graduated from Leavenworth High School in 1989. The son of a combat veteran, Senator Jeff Pittman and his family were stationed at Fort Leavenworth several times before settling down there for good in 1984. He graduated from Leavenworth High School in 1989. During his high school years, he volunteered for the American Red Cross at Munson Army Hospital in the physical therapy department helping veterans; worked at a local animal veterinary clinic with dogs, cats, and other animals; cashiered at the non-profit Thrift Shop; and was a very active member of the Sacred Heart Parish.

Jeff holds a Master’s in Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Master’s in Business Administration from Oxford University. He has worked as an Information Technology Consultant for various companies including Bank of America, Armed Forces Insurance, and Gap. He currently serves as a Senior Business Consultant for Logility, specializing in digital transformation of the supply chain.

He was first elected to the Kansas House in 2016, where he represented District 41 for two terms. He was elected to represent the 5th District in the Senate in 2020. He lives in Leavenworth with his wife, Holly, and their three children.



Standing Committees:
Financial Institutions (Ranking member)
Ways and Means

Special/Joint Committees:
Joint Committee on Kansas Security
Joint Committee on Information Technology
Joint Committee on Fiduciary Financial Institutions Oversight
Unemployment Compensation Modernization and Improvement Council

Connect with Jeff

In Topeka
Room: 124-E
Phone: 785-296-7522

At Home
1108 S. Broadway
Leavenworth, KS 66048
Phone: 913-912-3459